
Newsletters (1991–2007)

The Newsletter for the LGBTQ Study Group of the American Musicological Society was published semi-annually, in fall and spring, from 1991 until 2007. (Before 2005 it was known as the GLSG [Gay and Lesbian Study Group] Newsletter. There was no issue for Fall 1993.) As with the LGBTQ Study Group generally, the objectives of the Newsletter included promoting communication among lesbian and gay music scholars, increasing awareness of issues in sexuality and music in the academic community, and establishing a forum for the presentation of lesbian and gay music studies. 

You can access the newsletters archive here 

The unexpurgated New Grove (2000) entry on Lesbian and Gay Music by Philip Brett and Elizabeth Wood can be found here.

If you have material to add to the archives, please send it to amslgbtq at gmail dot com.